Queer male body image, however, is one of many “Gay Issues” that all too often gets swept under the rug, partially because of its social nature. In fact, I’d venture to say that same-sex marriage isn’t even the most important so-called “Gay Issue.” It’s just the most publicized one. Sure, marriage equality is now becoming a reality in a majority of the United States however, same-sex marriage legislation is not the only issue queer people face.
I’m not claiming to know everything, but this is a conversation that needs to start through both a queer lens and a feminist perspective. Researching and writing this piece led to some candid, revealing conversations with my queer male friends I also realized that this topic affects many queer men and needs to be addressed. I have chosen to write this piece because I have known and loved many queer men throughout my life. I am a cisgender gay woman and therefore an outsider to gay male culture, specifically in US metropolitan areas. Author’s Note: I want to let you know that the person writing this article is not a gay man.